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Community Groups & Clubs

This page features the groups and clubs that meet in and around South Kilworth.

There is also a Village Directory with information about essential local services.

To update this website with new contact information or to add 'latest news' about the club/group please use the contact us form.

To find out more about individual groups please contact the group directly.

Allotment Committee

Allotment allocation and coordination.

Les Lucas

07712296376More information

Bowls Club

South Kilworth Bowling Club is affiliated to Bowls Leicestershire and Bowls England.

Gerry Byrne

01858 575080gerrypatrickbyrne@gmail.comMore information


Friends of South Kilworth School

tbcMore information

Gardening Club

Every third Thursday, 7.30 pm in Welford Village Hall. New members are always welcome.

Ann Barraclough

annbarraclough@hotmail.comMore information


Local not-for-profit oil buying group that offers the lowest prices around.

Sarah and Mark

admin@koil-group.comMore information

Kids’ Football

On the village hall playing fields

Brian Robbins

07795 105591More information

Kilworth Korks

Monthly social activities - programme advertised in SK News Open to all ladies in the village - to join WhatsApp Claire on 07590254043 to be added

Claire Hubbard

07590254043More information

Kilworth Villages Facebook Group

Facebook page for all the local news

More information

Luncheon Club

Thursday 12:30 at the Village Hall. Keep an eye out for changes in the village news.

Rita Hallam

01858 575449More information

Neighbourhood Plan

Please join one of the Community groups or Clubs detailed in this tab. The Neighbourhood Plan is accessed below (more information)

More information

SK Security WhatsApp Group

Alerts about security issues in the village are posted with a link to the community Police

The Group Administrators are: Graham Rutter 07721 442561 & Peter Moore 07775 795761

More information

SKY Youth Club

Free: In the village hall every Wednesday evening 6.45-8.45pm

Ruth Cross

07921 information

Skittles Team

Games take place at the White Hart.

Ray Dorman

07780 846002 More information

St Nicholas Church

A lovely old building and a central feature of the community. Open Sundays and Wednesdays. All are welcome of all faiths or none.

PCC Chair: Mary Guppy

j.guppy1938@gmail.comMore information

Table Tennis

Thursday evening 7-9pm in the village hall.

Bob Morley

575832bobjmorley1953@gmail.comMore information

The South Kilworth Art Group

Meet in the village hall Thursday mornings. 9.30am to 12.00 midday.

Maggy Roberts

07912031816 and 01858682173 information

Travelling lunch club

Lutterworth Age Concern has two travelling lunch clubs. They travel to a different pub each month.

Alison Anderton

0870 240 6993More information

Village Community Café

Run monthly in the village hall - free cake and a cuppa. See “Coming soon” on the home page for date and time

Tina Morely

07786496041 tina.morley@me.comMore information

Village Hall Committee

Village Hall bookings contact: Colin Derrick 07711 054622 or

Village Hall Committee Chair: Romy Grimwood

07795 426345More information


Whiskey Appreciation Society of South Kilworth

Mark Tottman

575476 More information

Women’s Institute

Now combined with North Kilworth. 3rd Thursday each month, 7.30pm Belgrave Village Hall in North Kilworth.

Joanna Wilson

01455 558372Joanna.wilson17@btinternet.comMore information


Held in the Village Hall. TUESDAY EVENING

Jessie McQuillian

07860 information