Update on Neighbourhood Plan Groups
September 2021
Following an open meeting at the end of 2019, various people offered to help set up working groups to look at some of the community proposals in our Village Neighbourhood Plan. The overall responsibility for the plan lies with the Parish Council, but I volunteered to help to get things started. This is my last report as I have handed the responsibly back to the Parish Council to oversee the groups.
Various groups have met to look at the planned action objectives, despite the challenges due to Covid-19, especially as it has delayed any action by local councils
Improve parking at the school
This group held meetings with the school and local residents and a variety of proposals were explored, resulting in …..
Improving the facilities at the allotments
For further details contact : Mike Langman/ Allotment Committee
Supporting “frail elderly” people
Our first successful café was held on September 21*, and more are planned monthly - see separate article. For further details contact: Tina Morley
Improving footpaths /dog walking paths
Improvingchildren playground
Helping the Parochial Church Council (PCC) make better use of the church
Helping the Village Hall Committee run the village hall and its facilities
Improving the Local Environment
Supporting small businesses
Reviewing our open spaces /village green
These groups haven’t meet (yet??)
Does anyone want to help either of these get going? (we do have a few people willing to help)
Due to the new housing development in the village there is an allocation of money made through Harborough District Council (called Section 106 funding and secured by a levy from the builders). This is available for some of the above projects, but there is a bidding process. There is still around £25,000 available for sports facilities – see request from PC, for feedback as to what is needed in May SK News. The PC also have limited funds, and there are a variety of local community grants we can apply for.
Tina Morley
Please join one of the Community groups or Clubs detailed in this tab. The Neighbourhood Plan is accessed below (more information)
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