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November 8, 2023
November 8, 2023
The Church of England Education Office has published the Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report. The inspection findings indicate that South Kilworth Primary school is living up to its foundation as a Church school and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish. Well done!
The Church of England Education Office has published the Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report. It stated:
South Kilworth CE Primary is an inclusive and caring community where all are valued and treated
with respect. The school’s Christian vision of ‘grounded, growing, grateful’ is deeply embedded and
lived out daily. Pupils are flourishing because they are each seen as unique individuals in Christ, who
are known and cared for by staff. As a result, this rural church school has the feel of a family where
there is a strong and positive sense of belonging. The vision of the school as nurturing is reinforced
each morning, as staff welcome everyone with warmth. Leaders, governors, and staff speak with
confidence about how the vision and values of the school support their high expectations for pupils.
For the full report, please download the file below.