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Published on:
July 27, 2021
January 7, 2021
The Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm at South Kilworth Village Hall.
Cllr Phil Alcock – Chairman
Cllr Kevin Coyne – Vice Chairman
Cllr Tim Wood
Cllr Gerry Byrne
Cllr Elaine Derrick
Karen Brown – Clerk
All parishioners are invited to attend the monthly meeting held on the second Tuesday each month in the Village Hall at 7.15pm.
There is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. Please check the PC Notice Board.
Councillors meet to discuss reports from County and District, current or ongoing planning matters for the village, business matters for the village, correspondence with Neighbourhood Plan Consultations, accounts, and other village business such as allotments, highways, footpaths, parks and recreation, dog fouling, street lights and general village improvements.
If you have a question or comment for the Parish Council send it to the Clerk, Karen Brown.
If it's something topical or useful for the whole village you can send it to SKNews who will publish your question, anonymously if preferred, and the Council's reply in the next edition.