Below are the businesses that currently advertise in the South Kilworth News. If the business has a website, please click on the link in the advert to visit its site.
To advertise here please contact
Professional carpet cleaning & upholstery cleaners
0116 279 WebsiteBeauty Salon. Smiths Yard, Dog Lane, Welford Road, South Kilworth, LE17 6DY
01858 57124407773 WebsiteFor landscaping, fencing, paving, walling and garden maintenance.
07817 381 244pennymattock@btinternet.comVisit WebsiteMulti-fuel stoves - Installation - Chimney Liners - Chimney Systems - Accessories
01858 57111507976 WebsiteOver 30 years experience in Designing & Installing Kitchens and Bathrooms.
07866 741261jayspanner@btinternet.comVisit WebsiteProfessional assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for a wide variety of musculoskeletal pain, neurological conditions and sports injuries.
07818 WebsiteJoin the family of Home Instead CareGivers and help make a world of difference.
01455 247100Visit WebsiteComprehensive Pest Control Service. Bed Bugs, Bees, Wasps, Rodents, Moles, Squirrels and more.
07967 WebsiteAn accountancy practice in the village for all your accountancy and taxation requirements.
01858 5754810791 865 WebsiteOur 18-hole golf course is the perfect place to unwind. We also have a function room for hire complete with event catering for special events.
01858 57508201858 WebsiteWE DESIGN, PRINT and PROMOTE....YOU! 14c High St. Lutterworth
01455 207508lutterworth@minutemanpress.comVisit WebsiteAll your chocolate essentials plus workshops and demonstrations too now at Carew, Cranmer Lane, North Kilworth..
07811 WebsiteLandscape and Property Services to the highest standard. Your perfectly tailored living space.
07525064220twlandpservices@outlook.comVisit WebsiteYour local Village Pub with both Sky and BT Sport. Join us in a warm and friendly atmosphere with plenty of seating and 5 TVs to watch major events.
whitehartpub@hotmail.comVisit Website